Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Handmade Watercolor Paint

 It's been awhile since I posted anything on here. This space is meant to be a place for a collection of my thoughts , ideas, prospects , expierences, and art. 

I have been through alot of growth since I last posted on here. But recently I made an update to my website. One of my many goals I'd like to make successful.  Selling my art and sharing it with others. Something to make people get lost in just like when my mind gets lost in the broad ocean.  

I have been experimenting with paint. Making my own paint. I still don't have it down yet. But have made 1 palette of paint so far. Hoping it dries so I can test it before it goes on my website. 

I find the process of experimenting with the process of creating something essential to allow growth and mastery of that thing you are pursuing. In my case exploring how to create my own watercolor paint.

Process of creation: If I'm creating a drawing, painting, sculpture, or jewelry.

Research>Listing Ideas💡> Creating thumbnails>Making Final Sketches> Begin Project >Midway- Step Back and see what needs fixed> Conclusion to finalized project. 

Throughout history everyone has always created their pigments and paint from things nature gifts us. 

In my case I have been looking at etsy, videos, and many articles online and expierimenting with the mixture to get the right consistency for paint. Still no mastery, but I think I can figure it out eventually. Until then look at my progress below.

 Hello, It has been awhile since I have posted anything on here. So the big question probably is, What has been going on in my life to have ...